A bee or wasp problem in or your home or yard can disrupt daily life and put both you and your family in danger. Let a professional address the problem.


These are the types of stinging insect infestations you will most likely encounter: Africanized Honeybee, Honeybee, Paper Wasp, and the Yellow Jacket.

Size & Color

Stinging Insects size ranges from as small as 1/2” to as large as 1 1/2” in length, depending on the species. Spider colors can vary from hues of yellow, orange, red, and brown all with stripes, depending on the species.

Controlling Methods & Tips

Here are some general tips and guidelines to prevent and mitigate your stinging insect problem for each species.

Africanized Honeybee & Honeybee

Because the Africanized honeybee cannot be distinguished from its native cousins without detailed scientific measurements, any honeybee nest or swarm found in southwestern states should be respected at a safe distance. Only experienced beekeepers and/or pest management professionals should be contacted to deal with colonies or swarms of honeybees. Never attempt to treat such nests without the proper training and equipment.

Once the colony inside a wall or attic has been eliminated, the building owner will need to open the wall and remove all the honey and honeycomb. If not removed, the honey will rot, produce strong odors and seeping stains, and will attract other insect pests

Paper Wasp

Paper wasp nests are usually easily controlled using a wasp treatment product, then knocking down the nest. Such treatments are best done at night, although professionals can safely treat them during the day. On buildings where continuous paper wasp nest building occurs, treatment of the affected areas with a residual pest control product applied by a professional can deter most of the activity.

Yellow Jacket

The following precautions should be taken to prevent accidental stings:

When working in a garden or flowerbed, be aware of numerous wasps flying into and away from a single point in the garden or to a hole in the side of the house. This will usually indicate where a colony might be located.

Be careful when using powered lawn equipment, such as edger’s, trimmers and mowers. Loud, vibrating noises disturb yellow jackets and may send them into an attacking frenzy.

Stay away from yellow jacket nests once you know where they are located.

If yellow jackets are seen entering and exiting a wall, DO NOT plug the hole. You will only force the wasps to find another way out. Sometimes they might actually eat through an interior wall and enter the house.


For more information on stinging insect services contact us.